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    Jensen Huang 結果共20筆

  • 輝達大漲黃仁勳加薪60% 11億薪酬傲視英特爾和AMD

    晶片大廠輝達(Nvidia)因為人工智慧(AI)需求,讓公司股價與獲利大幅成長,連帶也使執行長黃仁勳(Jensen Huang)的薪酬爆增,相比前一個財政年度成長60%。根據公司提交的書面資料,目前黃仁勳的薪酬為3420萬美元(約新台幣11億0077萬元),比前一年2140萬美元(約新台幣6億8879萬元)增加不少,同時也比同業英特爾(Intel)執行長基辛格(Pat Gelsinger)高出一倍。
    2024/05/15 11:56
  • 黃仁勳要求極高成就輝達 專家建議:領導風格可調整別獨攬大權

    晶片大廠輝達(Nvidia)在這波人工智慧(AI)熱潮中,成功取得亮眼成績,也讓其執行長黃仁勳(Jensen Huang)聲名大噪。有知名大學商學院教授分析黃仁勳的領導風格,先肯定他過去數十年帶領公司突破重圍,成功在矽谷和殘酷市場中存活,但專家也建議這位執行長,未來可以適度調整自己的領導方式,應該要更重視員工、同時信任放權,別再只靠自己一人獨掌大局。
    2024/05/14 10:05
  • 不虧是張忠謀好友 黃仁勳有多拚?每天6點起床、工作14小時

    身為全球最受矚目的晶片公司,執行長黃仁勳(Jensen Huang)是如何帶領輝達(Nvidia),變身為市值2兆美元(約新台幣64.7兆元)大企業?這位高人氣的商業領袖曾透露,自己每天早上6時起床,一天工作時數長達14小時。「從我醒來的那一刻起,直到晚間上床睡覺以前,我都在工作。我一週工作7天,不工作的時候也在想工作,工作時則全身心投入。」
    2024/05/03 10:14
  • 想成功得先承受苦難! 黃仁勳曝:我掃過的廁所比你們還要多

    AI教父、晶片大廠輝達(Nvidia)執行長黃仁勳(Jensen Huang)在全球的知名度不斷攀升,繼先前表示「若想成功就必須承受苦難」後,如今他又在訪問中自曝過去掃廁所的經驗,還對台下的人開玩笑地表示「我掃過的廁所比你們所有人加起來還要多」。
    2024/04/23 14:50
  • William Lai among TIME’s 100 most influential

    William Lai, Taiwan’s President-elect, and Jensen Huang, Nvidia CEO, have been named among Time magazine’s 100 Most Influential People of 2024. Lai, set to take office in May, is recognized in the Leaders category, while Huang is honored as an Innovator. The selections affirm Taiwan’s democratic achievements and Lai’s future role in defending the nation’s democracy and maintaining regional stability.
    2024/04/18 11:04
  • Lai champions AI, green tech in Taiwan’s ICT push

    Vice President Lai Ching-te engages in discussions with ICT industry leaders at Hwa Ya Technology Park in Taoyuan, emphasizing Taiwan’s pivotal role in the global AI revolution amidst the U.S.-China tech war. NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang highlights Taiwan’s significance in the new AI era, urging collective efforts to solidify Taiwan’s global standing. Lai’s visits and dialogues with industry players signal a collaborative approach to strategic industry planning.
    2024/03/26 16:55
  • Nvidia CEO hopes to be Taiwan’s top ambassador

    NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang declares ambition to be Taiwan’s best ambassador in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) and emphasizes Taiwan’s pivotal role in the new industrial revolution. Huang plans to visit Taiwan to share his views and promote its global significance at the 2024 Computex event, where he will give a keynote speech alongside other industry leaders.
    2024/03/25 15:00
  • 黃仁勳喊美中不會上演「末日劇本」 輝達要與台積電一起成長

    美國AI晶片巨頭輝達(Nvidia)執行長黃仁勳(Jensen Huang)美西時間19日在GTC大會上向媒體表示,他不認為美中關係會出現「末日劇本」,即使在當前地緣政治高度緊張的情況下,該公司仍將繼續與台積電(TSMC)保持緊密合作。就像許多美國晶片設計公司一樣,輝達高度依賴全球最大的代工晶片製造商台積電,生產自家最先進的晶片,包括剛剛曝光的Blackwell繪圖晶片。
    2024/03/20 09:34
  • 求學時曾遭同儕霸凌 黃仁勳:若想成功就得先承受苦難

    AI教父、晶片大廠輝達(Nvidia)執行長黃仁勳(Jensen Huang)在全球的知名度不斷攀升,近日他重返母校史丹福大學(Stanford)演講,被問到要如何才能成功時,黃仁勳回答稱「若想成功就必須承受苦難」。
    2024/03/16 16:31
  • AI heads unite: NVIDIA, AMD, Intel CEOs to attend Computex

    The 2024 Computex Taipei promises an AI feast with top industry leaders like Intel CEO Pat Gelsinger set to deliver a keynote speech. Expect insights on the AI PC era and the theme "Connecting AI" as NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang and AMD CEO Lisa Su join Gelsinger at this global event. Explore six themes and 4,500 stalls at the Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center from June 4 to 7.
    2024/03/08 18:21
  • 黃仁勳談AI:「類人類」有望5年內出現 通過人類測試

    人工智慧(AI)熱潮正夯,吸引Google、Meta等科技巨擘競相投資。AI教父、晶片大廠輝達(Nvidia)執行長黃仁勳(Jensen Huang)1日受訪時指出,在某些定義下,通用人工智慧(Artificial general intelligence,AGI)有可能在短短5年內出現。
    2024/03/02 10:54
  • Tech leaders laud Hon Hai’s economic contributions at Gala

    Discover the success story of Hon Hai Precision Industry Co at its 50th anniversary gala dinner, where founder Terry Gou highlighted the company’s impact on employees and the community. Special messages from tech leaders like Tim Cook and Jensen Huang added to the celebration.
    2024/02/21 13:43
  • NVIDIA CEO eyes Vietnam for AI, digital talent cultivation

    NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang announces collaboration with Vietnamese technological firms to support Vietnam in AI talent cultivation and digital infrastructure development. Huang expresses interest in establishing a base in Vietnam during a meeting with Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh. NVIDIA has already invested around US$250 million in Vietnam and recognizes the country’s potential in the IT sector. Huang identifies Viettel Telecom, FPT Software, Vingroup, and VNG Corporation as specific partners for expanded cooperation.
    2023/12/12 17:51
  • Nvidia chief: U.S. chip self-sufficiency a decade away

    Nvidia’s President, Jensen Huang, stated at the New York Times’ DealBook Summit that achieving U.S. independence in the chip supply chain and reducing reliance on overseas manufacturing could take 10 to 20 years. President Joe Biden’s administration has imposed a ban on chip exports to China, citing national security concerns and the need to maintain the U.S.’s lead in the semiconductor industry. Nvidia, among other companies, is impacted by these export control measures, leading to concerns about negative impacts on the company’s revenue. However, Huang revealed that Nvidia is developing chips compliant with U.S. regulations for the Chinese market and plans to re-enter once they are ready. He also warned that the export ban could accelerate China’s domestic chip development, with numerous Chinese companies already working on competing technologies. Huang emphasized that Nvidia is already a decade ahead in artificial intelligence technology and that AI and deep learning innovation involve more than just designing new chips.
    2023/11/30 23:18
  • Morris Chang is Taiwan’s godfather of technology: NVIDIA CEO

    NVIDIA founder and CEO Jensen Huang praised Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. (TSMC) founder Morris Chang, acknowledging that his company would not exist without the foundation laid by the world’s largest chipmaker. Huang lauded TSMC’s manufacturing of advanced chips, their constant innovation, and their ability to push the boundaries of physics. He referred to Chang as the "Godfather of Technology" in Taiwan. Chang was honored with the KT Li Award, and President Tsai Ing-wen personally congratulated him. Huang, who traveled from the U.S. with his wife to attend the event, reminisced about his first meeting with Chang and acknowledged TSMC’s significant impact on NVIDIA by accommodating its evolving needs.
    2023/11/09 17:33
  • Hon Hai Chairman wishes founder happy birthday on Tech Day

    Foxconn Chairman Young Liu extends birthday wishes to founder Terry Gou and wishes him success in the presidential election at Hon Hai’s Tech Day. Prominent industry figures, including NVIDIA’s Jensen Huang, attended the event. Liu highlights the company’s launch of various products in the past three years, emphasizing the CDMS business model’s ability to offer comprehensive and customization solutions for the automotive industry. He also outlines Foxconn’s sustainability goals, pledging zero carbon emissions by 2050 and commitment to cleaner, eco-friendly, and smarter solutions.
    2023/10/18 15:29
  • 黃仁勳親替鴻海電動車簽名 樂喊「劉揚偉是我朋友、晚上夜市見」

    鴻海科技日今(18)日登場,重量級嘉賓輝達(NVIDIA)執行長黃仁勳出席,並在台上與鴻海董事長劉揚偉對談。現場也展示鴻海一系列電動車,包括Model B以及在台灣以納智捷(LUXGEN)n7之名販售的Model C。有趣的是,黃仁勳今早也在劉揚偉陪同下,親自在納智捷n7車身上簽名,並讚嘆該款電動車令人驚艷,「To Young and my friend at Foxconn, beautiful and amazing EVs. Jensen Huang」,展現兩人的好交情。
    2023/10/18 10:40
  • Taiwan anticipates AI boom after ’AI Godfather’ visit

    Taiwan is abuzz with excitement as "AI Godfather" Jensen Huang’s return is anticipated, sparking a surge in interest in artificial intelligence (AI) and electric vehicle technology. Huang, NVIDIA’s CEO, has refrained from confirming rumors of his return in mid-October for Hon Hai Tech Day 2023.
    2023/10/06 14:17
  • Embrace AI revolution, says Quanta CEO Barry Lam

    Barry Lam, founder and CEO of Quanta, highlighted the importance of embracing AI during a recent address at the Taiwan Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers’ Association’s AI Technology and Application Outlook Forum.
    2023/09/27 20:11
  • NVIDIA founder unveils new AI capabilities at COMPUTEX

    NVIDIA founder and CEO, Taiwanese American Jensen Huang, shared the latest developments in artificial intelligence (AI) and its importance Monday (May 29) at COMPUTEX 2023 in Taipei, attracting thousands to attend the event. 
    2023/05/29 17:40
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